Thursday, January 8, 2009

Chandeliers, Chandeliers, Chandeliers

Ok, anyone that knows me knows that I love chandeliers, in fact its not just any chandelier but antique chandeliers that need to be restored. I have restored approxiamately 25 chandeliers so far and I have 9 hanging in my house. Love 'em, just love 'em.

This was my first one, it came from a hotel that was being torn down in Torrence California and there was six on the sidewalk that were going to be thrown away, I wish I had taken all six, I only took this one.
The bottom picture is a close up of it hanging in my dining room now, and the top picture is my old dining room in my previous house in Oakland.

1 comment:

Eric and Darcy said...

All of your chandeliers are gorgeous! I'm really hoping I'll be able to have one in the nursery. Think it could still work out in the room if we have two boys? Yeah, Eric didn't think so either!